Thursday 28 June 2012

Abseiling, cherry sponge and dreams for the future....

If you would like to hear this as a story, I have posted a clip on the website and on YouTube at, Hortensiagnomus9.....!

'Well good morning Darling', Hortensia winked at Hector as he flew past her window on one of his practice abseils. Hector, though very excited about taking his friends back to his home in the city, was rather worried about their lack of experience - hence the abseiling training.

Hortensia and Archibold were finding having unexpected faces peering into their home, especially at unexpected times - more than a little unsettling. Hortensia in particular had been more than a little perturbed at the squeals and occasional shrieks as the new skills were learnt. 'I worry for them Harriet, it is sometimes a bit risky to become too overexcited!' Harriet of course thought it all sounded great fun and wanted to join in.

'So today is the day for extreme planting skill learning,' Hector stood proudly in front of a collection of young plants. 'Each of you is to chose a plant, a small bag of soil, a flask of water, your trowel - and when you are ready - we will set off!' After a bit of scrabbling and rushing about, Hector surveyed a line of eager and excited gnomes. 'The point of the exercise is to climb to an unexpectedly high place with no recent planting having taken place, and to plant your seedling, and then come back here to report on your progress.'

Hector watched with satisfaction as the gnomes charged off. Most of them had been surveying suitable spots for several days and thinking about how to climb up without damaging their plant, and then of course how to tuck the plant in safely and come back down, within the time allowed. Hector was very busy rushing about shouting encouragement, 'very important to water your plant slowly, you want the water to settle in the roots and not drain away!' He looked with satisfaction as the gnomes returned, they faces were alight with the satisfaction of a Good Deed Done -  a favourite motto for all gnomes and an encouraging sight for the success of their trip ahead.

'Well done! Tomorrow we will practice gutter and drainpipe planting.' the gnomes looked shocked, but Hector had agreed with Aunt Mildred that their friend The Old Lady, loved plants and flowers so very much that they were sure that she wouldn't mind a few additions to her home. 'Very important in the city to find every available space to plant, so that we can encourage and help the humans to remember who they are.'

And with that they all settled done to relive their adventures and to enjoy a nice cup of peppermint tea and a slice of cherry sponge cake.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Crumpets and fighting talk.................

'It's a funny thing that humans spend so much of their talking and so little of it listening' Archimedes sucked on his pipe, 'they are a very different species as we know, but similar enough that it can sometimes seem confusing'. The younger gnomes were gathered around, eagerly taking in every word. To be sitting with Archimedes Bonaparte, discussing the future of their mission to the city - well it was a very special occasion indeed.

Horatio had been explaining about mobile phones and how humans seems to like being in constant contact via their telephones and computers. The younger gnomes had been mystified as to why they needed their little communication machines at all. Hence why Archimedes had been explaining some of the differences between humans and gnomes. Horatio, who had just returned from work experience at the Bluebell Garden Centre, was trying to describe what the world would be like without telepathy - a skill most gnomes took completely for granted.

'Most of them are quite lonely in one way or another, disconnected from something they yearn for. One of our most important jobs will be to help Hector create gardens where the humans can remember who they are and their connections to the bigger music'. This was serious talk and Hector stood up with his blue eyes flashing. He continued 'Sometimes they come out of the boxes where they work, to walk into the parks at lunchtime - and then they just sit in the light looking at the flowers and feeling the air as they eat their lunch. Imagine if in your day you only had a little time to listen to the wind in the leaves?'

The gnomes all sat in sad contemplation trying to imagine such a terrible existence.' And that is why my Dears, despite the dangers you must do your best to make every plant, tree, garden and park, a place of natural beauty and abundant growth.' Archimedes winked at Horatio who went pink and sat down with a bump. 'Must be time for tea, I distinctly heard a grumble from Archibold's tummy all of five minutes ago'.

So with much giggling they all headed back to Archimedes' tree top look-out for tea and toasted home made crumpets - sent by Hortensia of course in a basket, safely wrapped up in a tea cloth - still faintly warm and with a pot of her best creamy yellow butter.