Monday, 24 February 2014

Seedy cake and an unexpected guest …….

Archimedes was singing a little tune to himself as poured the boiling water into his shiny red teapot. 'Special blend today My Dear, Best Nettle and Peppermint with a pinch of lavender, just the thing after a stressful journey!'

Aunt Mildred was sitting quietly in Archimedes best armchair, it wasn't just that she was puffed after climbing all the stairs up to the tree house, but truth to tell she found herself in a bit of a bother. As ever Archimedes had filled every nock and cranny with the unusual objects that he had found on his walks, but what was bothering Aunt Mildred was that there appeared to be another guest for tea - and it wasn't someone that she expected to see.

Opposite her, perched on the back of Archimedes armchair and looking at her with suspicion, was a small sparrow. 'Don't mind Herbert' said Archimedes, 'damaged his wing in the storm, he'll be on his way soon, full of news he is, most chatty and very good company!' Herbert winked at Aunt Mildred who wasn't impressed.

'Now Archimedes, do be careful, remember the time you adopted that duck whose wing wouldn't mend and what a to do we had trying to get him down the stairs?' Aunt Mildred glared at the sparrow, 'No need to worry my Dear, Herbert and I have everything under control' and with that Archimedes sat down for tea.

Whatever is going on, or indeed has to be discussed, or even important news that has to be shared, a gnome's tea time is a too sacred moment to be distributed by anything unusual. Aunt Mildred and Archimedes settled down to the serious business of slurping tea, smothering scones with butter and jam and devouring the lovely moist seedy cake that Hortensia had sent wrapped in a clean tea towel.

Then of course they both settled down for the obligatory nap to freshen up before catching up with each others news. As soon as they were fast asleep, Herbert set to delicately extracting most of the seeds from the remaining seedy cake and then gobbled up the lot!

'Oh Archimedes, you've taken to spoiling him, how is going to want to go home when you feed him treats?' Herbert put his head on one side and tried to look contrite. 'Oh Dear' said Archimedes 'no supper for you tonight!' Herbert put his head under his wing and tried to pretend to be asleep. 'He is only young My Dear, now what have you come to see me about?'

Aunt Mildred straightened her apron (she always wore an apron, even when out and about and travelling) and reached for her basket. 'Not every day is as special as this Archimedes, can you remember why?'

'Can't say that I do My Dear, should I?' He looked up in surprise at Aunt Mildred carefully put on her best velvet hat with the red pom pom. A gnome only puts on their best hat at tea time if there is very, very important news so Archimedes sat up straight in his chair, straightened his waistcoat and waited expectantly ……….

