I am so sorry for the long delay in writing Hortensia's Dairy, I was unwell for a while but am delighted to now be able to continue with writing about her wonderful family and their adventures...
"Today is the first day day for sure Archie!" Hortensia was standing under a large clump of snowdrops breathing in ecstatically "I can smell Spring!" Archie smiled and patted his waistcoat with delight, "it is true, no question about it, I can feel the earth stirring under my feet!"
Hortensia sighed with the happiness of being able to smell snowdrops again, "nothing like the scent of a young snowdrop, gentle and soft and so sweet, Oh Archie we are lucky to live where we do!" They carried on with their morning walk, busy noticing new buds and listening to the news carried on the breeze as the birds chirped and sang all around.
Eventually they stopped at the edge of the wood and sat on their favourite log to feel the warmth of the spring sunshine on their faces. " Soon be time for picnics" said Archie "and the The Summer Revels will need planning and as for Mrs Busgrove's new vegetable patch, well we will have to decide whether to continue or not, so much to do now that Spring is on its way!"
Hortensia smiled, "Dearest Archibold, what would we do with out you thinking and planning? Simply so exciting to think of all the planting and pruning ahead of us, and isn't this the summer that we promised to visit our friends in the Far North?"
" So it is My Dear, so it is and that is quite something to think about, several weeks we will have to be gone and many are the duties that we will have to ask others to take on for us whilst we are away, but when I think of the golden summer light and of the great trees roaring in the wind, why I know we simply have to go!"
Hortensia shut her eyes and remembered the sound of the wind and of the green of the moss, suddenly she opened them wide "why Archie, we mustn't forget the mushrooms, such mushrooms as I had never tasted before, why we have to go, if only to be able to bring some home to dry for winter!'
Archie smiled with relief, he longed to be free and on a wander, "perhaps July My Dear, perhaps July might be a good month?"
So as they munched on their rather wrinkly crab apples and shared a flap jack between them, they started discussing their plans for their next great escapade!