Wednesday 25 May 2011

Long Grass.......

Stephanotis and Archibold were setting out on a mission. They had set off in the early dawn with their rucksacks full of useful items and were making excellent progress through the long grass and down to the river bank. Unlike Hortensia, who loved the long grass as she thought that the dew made her skin beautiful and her hair extra glossy, Archibold wished that there was another way through without having to get so wet. He always marveled at how wet he became walking though wet grass.

They were heading for their little boat which they had carefully hidden the previous day under an old willow tree. The boat was covered by a plastic bag so as not to attract attention from humans - and of course to keep it dry. Stephanotis's tummy was rumbling and he was beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be a moment to mention breakfast. 'Off we go then' said Archibold 'if we reach the island soon we can set up camp and have a lovely fire going for our tea and then consider our plans over breakfast'. Archibold knew that Hortensia had taken pity on Stephanotis and packed a few pancakes in his rucksack so that breakfast would be a proper treat.

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