'It is funny Isabel, but I feel so strong inside - like something really important is happening that I agreed to long ago." Isabel and Stephanotis were sitting on the mossy hummocks of The Sacred Circle between the ancient pines. Whenever needing space to think deeply and to feel their way with their whole being - gnomes would go to The Sacred Circle - sitting still with their feet resting on the vibrant green moss was so deeply peaceful, that all their thoughts would become clear of anxiety and a gnome's true path and the way ahead seem easier.
'Listen to the stillness, it is so precious, the poor humans don't know how hard it is for them nowadays - they are always listening to all the noises that they make themsleves and to everything apart from nature, no wonder so many of them are out of tune with themselves.' Isabel turned to Stephanotis ' We have to change now you know, we have a job to do, it is up to us to learn the memories of other times and to keep clear about what is happening now - so that the circles of history are remembered for the future - there always patterns to be known if you can hear the bigger music.' Isabel looked dreamily at the moonlit trees as their boughs seemed to sway gently in the breeze. 'See there is music all around Stephanotis and if we are to remember we had better start now!'
The two gnomes sat for a while listening with their ears and it has to be said, with their feet. They were thinking of what might lie ahead for them both and how lucky they were to have each other. Truth to tell, just sitting where so many Venerables had sat and where history was alive around them, seemed a perfect moment of wonder and delight.
'We had better be going home now, the moon is up and the path is bright with sliver light.' So with Isabel leading the way and quietly humming a gentle song, the two gnomes set off home, much relieved and full of peace.
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