Thursday, 29 September 2011

The message and a moving bush

The Old Lady was all of a flutter, there she was sitting on her bench as normal (a nice grey stone bench - weathered and warm in the sun) when she realsied that in front of her, carefully laid out on the lawn was a message!  "Come with me, come with me? Well yes of course, just hold on a moment and I'll get my stick and my cardigan and I'll be ready to go!"

The Old Lady was beside herself with excitement, nothing this radical had happened for many a decade - if ever. She felt positively radiant with anticpation, scarelcy daring to believe who she thought might have so carefully laid out the sweet chestnuts to spell such an alluring message. She gathered up her best pink cardigan, checked she had her spectacles in her pocket and with a jaunty step stood in front of the message on the lawn. Only it wasn't there any more....

'Oh my Dear, where have you gone, I was only away a moment'. As she felt the beginnings of panic, she realised that several feet away a bush seemed to be waving at her. Peering at it she realised the closer she came - the further away it moved. 'Good grief, I am being shown the way by a moving bush - what ever next?' For The Old Lady wasn't daft, in fact in throughout her life she had been a formidable crossword solver and a champion of good and neglected causes. She had an independence of brain and spirit that combined with an adventurous heart gave her an air of great kindness that wasn't to be taken for granted, but which could be depended on in a crisis.

Behind the bush, Hortensia and Aunt Mildred were wrestling with the wayward branches and trying to make sure that they were heading in the right direction at the right speed for their guest. Aunt Mildred had insisted on wearing her best cape for this unprecented Grand Occasion and was wary of any twigs that might snag on the grey silk edged with crimson lace. This meant the poor Hortensia was carrying most of the weight of the bush and was becoming increasingly hot and and dare we say it - more than a little frustrated and grumpy.

'So much fun, I havn't had an adventure since I don't know when.' The Old Lady was talking out loud to reassure her guides. If they were staying hidden, she reasoned, perhaps they were still frightened of her (she didn't know yet about the Aunt Mildred's best grey silk cape or the fact that all the assembled gnomes in the Sacred Clearing were dressed in their very, very best clothes). 'Don't you worry I am your friend, what an honour, what an honour and Oh, so much fun!'

Hortensia had stood on a holly leaf (which had made the bush unexpectedly jump and quiver) and was feeling a bit overwhelmed not to mention the pain in her sore foot, when suddenly Archibold was beside her. He  lifted the weight of the bush from her arms and taking her place continued to guide their Honoured Guest. 'Take your time Hortie Darling, you can easily catch up after a little rest, I'll take your place for a bit.' Aunt Mildred happily walked ahead of the strange procession - relishing the ingongrous joy of leading a human to a meeting at the Sacred Clearing.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

A cheerful song and a little serious thinking.......

'Tiddle, tiddle pom pompom, soon have an escapade to challenge all previous escapades, must put in some proper thinking time Little Cherub, not to worry now - all will be well!" Little Cherub (Baby Harriet) was safely nestled inside her Father's waistcoat and wasn't in the least bit worried. Being carried around inside his waistcoat was one of her favourite places to be, warm and safe and next to Archibold's strong heart. 'Why don't we gather some fresh mushrooms for supper and perhaps a little salad of nettle tops, the last of the dandelion leaves and fresh watercress - what a treat, what a treat....and just the thing after the shock we have all had.'

Archibold had left the meeting as soon as possible, most of his really good ideas came to him when he was out and about, and he had a lot to think about. All current plans and ideas were on hold and all the gnomes were thinking through The Venerables' recommendations. How to persuade the Old Lady's son to be a good and even great human - renowned for his heroic and great deeds and how he used his energies and enthusiasm for the good of all - human and gnome and creatures and forest alike?

Archimedes had reminded them all, that the best outcomes to past challenges to harmony had come through suggestion of the rewards of good - with no focus or punishment for previous behaviour. 'Very challenging indeed to believe in someone when you are frightened about their power to destroy your world' thought Archibold. 'Still, The Venerables have never been wrong yet - and they would know.' He chuckled as remembered some of the younger more hot headed gnomes ideas.....

'Tiddley pom pom pom, home we go Precious, your Mamma will have the tea on and soon we can all enjoy a sit down and a good supper.' And with that Archibold set off a fast lope to Persimmon Heights and a well deserved cup of tea - peppermint of course!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Rejoicing and alarm..........

Slowly the sounds of the forest became clear, the layers of rustling, of limpid bird song and of the deep rhythms of peace. One by one, the gnomes stated to sing, gently aware of joining in to the greater music and of listening to each other from within their hearts. Isabel's voice suddenly soared and broke free in a quest of purity and joy, then gently all the voices faded away and the sounds of the forest remained.

Archimedes stood up and addressed the assembled Council. 'We have before us today a cause of rejoicing and a cause of alarm - or so they appear - they may of course be the opposite.' This was typical of Archimedes who was old enough to know that not all is always as it seems at first. 'Mildred has established a relationship of honour and respect with her old lady who is a guardian and human owner of this forest,  and they have begun communications. (There were gasps and the odd hiccup from the listening gnomes). This is a rare occurrence and one to be taken with caution and celebration. Out of this most positive and enhancing relationship, Mildred and Hortensia have been alerted to an imminent danger. I warn you the news is a sad shock. The old lady's son is trying to persuade her to let him take over the guardianship of this forest so that he can build human housing. This will of course be the end of the great trees and of our world as we know it'

At last the meaning of the trumpet call was clear. To have established a communication with a human that could be trusted was a cause of jubilation, but learning that yet again their home - a rare piece of the old wildness and deep stillness - was in such danger, was a terrible fright.

Mildred stood up too, 'I propose that we sit and listen to the Great Radiance and then ask the Keepers of Time and Memory what they remember for our guidance.' There was much muttering of assent and a settling down. All gnomes know that fear clouds good judgement and that staying in harmony within and without was the key to a successful solution for all challenges.

Archibold was wiggling his toes, he had noticed as the years had passed that he really liked to be out and about on an active mission and that sitting still sometimes seemed an ordeal. Just wiggling his toes helped him settle and feel at home in himself. 'What a challenge little Poppet, eh? Just you wait and see, there will be a time for action and then you Pa will be out and about.' baby Harriet gurgled and smiled up at him, they had the same blue eyes and as he held her close he felt the prickling of fierce tears at the thought that her home was in danger.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Green moss and the trumpet call.....

'Well, well, is certainly speeding up, no wonder Archimedes chose Isabel and Stephanotis as new Keepers of Time and Memory, so much happening so fast.' Uncle Humperdinck was crunching rather energetically on a fresh mint humbug to help abate his rising anxiety. Aunt Mildred had gone to ask Hortensia to blow on her trumpet to call all of the gnomes to an emergency meeting of The Council of Venerables. He was feeling rather overwhelmed at the thought of a sudden meeting with no time to think through a strategy or prepare. "Still' he thought 'sometimes not being set in one's mind can lead to unexpected and inspired solutions, I shall expect the best.' And with that he combed his beard, tried to calm his wispy head of white curls and put on his best green velvet hat before setting off to the meeting.

Poor Archibold was out on a wander with baby Harriet showing her the ripening harvest. They were just inspecting a particularly bumper crop of crab apples - all rosy blush and crisp crabbiness - when he heard Hortensia's unmistakable trumpet call. 'Blast and bloomers, we'll have to race to the meeting my Little Cherub - hold on tight - something is very amiss,' and with that Archibold tucked baby Harriet into his waistcoat and set off at a fast trot to the Sacred Clearing (a fast trot for a gnome is very fast indeed by human standards).

From all corners of the forest, gnomes were finding their way to the meeting, a trumpet call of that nature was unmistakable and deeply troubling. Fires were left unattended, jobs undone, naps cut short - there was air of quiet consternation and not a little alarm.

The Sacred Clearing was a place of great quiet and deep peace, the soft mounds of moss were of a bright and vivid green against the deep browns and huge trunks of the ancient trees and the sunlight filtered green and golden through the leaves. Slowly the gnomes arrived and settled down on the moss. The Venerables stood in a circle in the middle in silence and then turned to face the others ' May Peace and Good Will Prevail'. the seated gnomes replied as one 'may Peace and Good Will Prevail' and with that everyone settled down to wait for the music to begin.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Foreboding and alarm.............

Difficult to know what to do, whether to say anything or to keep quiet until she was sure of what was coming. Aunt Mildred wasn't a Venerable for nothing and all her experience and intuition was telling her that the wood and all the creatures living in it, including the gnomes, were facing a great peril - the problem was that she didn't want to alarm anyone unnecessarily and she just wasn't feeling sure.

She had been walking in the forest and listening carefully, even the trees seemed agitated and the whole atmosphere was one of rustle and anxiety. 'What to do, what to do? 'she muttered to herself 'I must pick up a sign soon or there won't be time to make a plan and for the Council to take an action'.

She found herself walking into the old lady's garden and taking up her usual place under the clematis, 'perhaps a little dream time might help to clear my mind', and with that she settled herself down for a short nap.

She awoke to hear the old lady's voice raised in distress and the voice of her eldest son trying to soothe her, they sounded as though they were having a very heated discussion. Aunt Mildred sat bolt upright in alarm, she was sure that the old lady was talking partially for her benefit, as she had never heard raise her voice so loudly. As she listened all her forebodings came into focus, for her worst fears were realised as she heard the son trying to persuade his mother to let him take over the management of the forest and to let him apply for planning permission for his new housing scheme.

'It will be the end of our world and of our lives as we know them, all the weaving will be undone and the great understanding forgotten again. Oh my, Oh my, I must hurry home and tell Humperdinck and ask Hortensia to blow her trumpet to summon the Council, Oh my, Oh my such a to do and so much danger all around.' For Aunt Mildred knew that such ideas once stated, had a nasty habit of being very difficult to change.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Surprises and a new beginning...........

The old lady was peering at the statue, she seemed delighted to have found an unexpected surprise in her garden and was chuckling to herself as she picked it up for a closer look. 'Well, well, indeed a most beautiful little chap - quite the most dashing gnome that I have ever seen.' She stroked the wood gently, 'such a beautiful finish and such intricate work, I almost need my magnifying glass to see some of the details - best put it back in it's place, well well, what a present - how lucky I am.' She peered around at her lovely garden, 'thank you whoever gave the garden such a special gift - I am most honoured and grateful.' the old lady carefully put the statue back in front of the laburnum and went to sit on her patio to have a little think.

Aunt Mildred and Hortensia looked at each other, they were resting in the cool under a late flowering purple clematis - ' what a success - but I think she knows it is from us - how could she?' Aunt Mildred shrugged her shoulders (she had on her green cape with the with the red collar to celebrate the big event, and knew from experience that a shrug was the most expressive and easiest gesture to make when wearing a cape), 'Thats why I wanted you to give the statue to her, she is very wise and for a human, most perceptive about things that most humans hardly ever think about. I have always thought that she knows about us and the work that we do in the garden - she loves it as much as we do.'

How right Aunt Mildred was, the old lady did indeed have her suspicions that she had helpers that made her garden a place of exceptional beauty and abundant flowers. Sometimes she even felt convinced that she had seen something out of the corner of her eye, of course she never gave away that she was aware of anything in case she frightened them away. Now she felt convinced that her suspicions were true, 'little helpers that's what they are - how wonderful, how amazing, perhaps if I talk out loud, they will hear.' So there she sat feeling a little foolish as she began to talk to her invisible friends about the garden and how grateful she was for their help 'Good thing no one can see me, they'll start saying I am losing the plot!' she thought.

Hortensia and Aunt Mildred sat and listened with amazement, Aunt Mildred was thrilled, Hortensia was thinking back at her dream and how true it had been - 'everytime I follow my heart amazing things start to happen - now at the very least someone human knows what a real gnome looks like!'.'