Sunday, 18 September 2011

Rejoicing and alarm..........

Slowly the sounds of the forest became clear, the layers of rustling, of limpid bird song and of the deep rhythms of peace. One by one, the gnomes stated to sing, gently aware of joining in to the greater music and of listening to each other from within their hearts. Isabel's voice suddenly soared and broke free in a quest of purity and joy, then gently all the voices faded away and the sounds of the forest remained.

Archimedes stood up and addressed the assembled Council. 'We have before us today a cause of rejoicing and a cause of alarm - or so they appear - they may of course be the opposite.' This was typical of Archimedes who was old enough to know that not all is always as it seems at first. 'Mildred has established a relationship of honour and respect with her old lady who is a guardian and human owner of this forest,  and they have begun communications. (There were gasps and the odd hiccup from the listening gnomes). This is a rare occurrence and one to be taken with caution and celebration. Out of this most positive and enhancing relationship, Mildred and Hortensia have been alerted to an imminent danger. I warn you the news is a sad shock. The old lady's son is trying to persuade her to let him take over the guardianship of this forest so that he can build human housing. This will of course be the end of the great trees and of our world as we know it'

At last the meaning of the trumpet call was clear. To have established a communication with a human that could be trusted was a cause of jubilation, but learning that yet again their home - a rare piece of the old wildness and deep stillness - was in such danger, was a terrible fright.

Mildred stood up too, 'I propose that we sit and listen to the Great Radiance and then ask the Keepers of Time and Memory what they remember for our guidance.' There was much muttering of assent and a settling down. All gnomes know that fear clouds good judgement and that staying in harmony within and without was the key to a successful solution for all challenges.

Archibold was wiggling his toes, he had noticed as the years had passed that he really liked to be out and about on an active mission and that sitting still sometimes seemed an ordeal. Just wiggling his toes helped him settle and feel at home in himself. 'What a challenge little Poppet, eh? Just you wait and see, there will be a time for action and then you Pa will be out and about.' baby Harriet gurgled and smiled up at him, they had the same blue eyes and as he held her close he felt the prickling of fierce tears at the thought that her home was in danger.

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