Sunday, 23 October 2011

Sage and Menthol.....

Stephanotis was looking at his feet, it was all very well Aunt Mildred making him a new pot of her special  foot balm - but even in his extra thick socks (knitted by Hortensia of course) and best boots, he could still smell the strong whiff of menthol and eucalyptus. ' Everyone will know who I am' he thought, 'and I will have to be careful that I don't give away my whereabouts away when out and about'. The truth was the strong smell had already worked to his advantage twice. Firstly his feet didn't ache anymore and secondly, his arbitration between two squirrels about nut storage, had been resolved in record time - obviously the squirrels weren't too impressed with the smell either.

Aunt Mildred herself was thinking deeply, she was sitting in her mint glade in front of her house  ruminating on the the ever present problem that faced them all. Drinking a cup of fresh mint tea surrounded by a mint forest is a special experience - and Aunt Mildred had dressed appropriately in a sky blue cape with pink pom poms around the edge.

Archimedes had suggested that the best way forward that he could remember from The Archive of Memories, was to present the Old Lady's son with an alternative vision to that of his proposed theme park. The new version would have to present fame and glory and of course, and a good financial income - all from the son being known as a great and just man - 'not that easy an idea for a human to find appealing' thought Aunt Mildred.

Several of the younger gnomes had been set on revenge and retaliation, but Archimedes had gently smiled and firmly insisted that his suggestion was the only one that had worked in similar situations. 'You want him to be passionate for the good of all - revenge will never lead to permanent good, evil will simply be suppressed and eventually re-appear - no, the man is not bad - simply greedy and very young.' The kindly rebuke had hung in the air and the younger gnomes had stilled their fear as they had looked into the fierce blue of his eyes as he held each of their gaze.

Aunt Mildred had sent out scouts (including Archibold) on reconnaissance missions and the best ideas that they had heard about were due to be presented at the next meeting. 'What would make a human want to change his mind when so set upon his own idea?' Aunt Mildred decided that the moment had come to smoke her pipe and as the scent of sage drifted through the mint, she closed her eyes and began to dream.

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