Monday, 30 January 2012

Memories and city life........

Eleanora was sitting under the shady leaves of an enormous Aloe Vera plant on Hector's balcony. They had been reminiscing about growing up in the wild north of their homeland and some of their earliest escapades. 'What a handful of mischief we must have been for our poor Mother' said Hortensia. Hector stroked his beard for a little while (he favoured a very short clipped variety of beard - far too dangerous in his opinion to have a long beard when out and about on a motorbike or abseiling on a regular basis). 'You know I think she was always proud of us, I think she knew that we would be alright - as long as we came home for tea I don't think that she worried too much'.

Hortensia suddenly burst into giggles 'Do you remember the time that you made a raft out of pine cones and we landed on the island in the middle of the river and couldn't get off again? We ate so many blackberries that we had sore tummies for days.' Hector grinned, 'I remember Archimedes coming for us in his boat and giving us a stern lecture about the proper way to build a boat and to steer!' The two gnomes settled in for a good memory weaving session - aided of course by Eleanora's delectable honey and oatmeal biscuits and Hector's elderflower cordial. For as all gnomes know, after all it is one of their favourite mottos - 'good memories make a good heart'!

Eleanora always felt extra cheerful after spending time with Hector. As dusk fell the two gnomes set off to tour some of Hector's more recent projects. Hector was explaining to Hortensia about the ever increasing number of surveillance cameras and how they had to always move at great speed to evade being caught on film. 'It's alright when you are in a garden, plenty of places to blend in with - bit more exposed here in the city'. Hortensia loved how he relished his life, some of his latest and most daring projects involved growing plants out of drain pipes and guttering. They both marvelled at how many humans had started to grow gardens in some of the empty spaces. 'It seems they are at last rebelling and claiming the land back for gardens, I always give their plants extra encouragement and tell the birds to help too, they have even started gardens on some of their roof tops and walls! ' said an ever enthusiastic Hector.

To celebrate their time together (for visits were a rare treat) Hector and Hortensia planted a small oak tree in a moist and perfectly aspected place at the edge of a park. Hortensia's thoughts had turned to her journey ahead and to the gnomes who were expecting her guidance in a difficult time. She felt deeply grateful for her visit with Hector and for their treasure trove of memories, 'you are a tonic and strength to me Hector, please come to visit soon once I am home again'.

Hector watched his beautiful and serene sister set off for the South and wished her well on her onward journey. 'Must plan a little jaunt to the Great Trees, time for some proper dream time', and with that Hector rushed off to help some of the tips of daffodil burst through the soil in his local park.

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