'What a day for an adventure' said Archibold, he and Hector were checking over the supplies and making sure that they had everything that they needed for both the trip and their stay in the Big City. 'Can never have enough rope' muttered Hector 'perhaps we can carry some across our shoulders once we have the rucksacks on?' Archibold looked slightly wild at the suggestion of yet more to carry.
The rucksacks were full to bursting as it was, and they each had their rolled up hammock, plus assorted frying pans, kettles and extra boots all tied on, as well as personal items stowed in jackets and waistcoats, extra hats strung wherever possible - and then of course, there were the seedlings and even two saplings to be carried by hand - Archibold sounded very firm indeed when he replied, 'Hector, we have to stop, we have enough with us for a six month expedition, if we carry any more we won't be able to move properly!' Hector looked up from where he was busily counting seed packets, and had to agree - 'Right you are Archibold, time to go then is it?'
So that was that, well it would have been for a normal camping or fishing trip, but it took at least two hours to separate out who was carry what, before at last the six gnomes stood in a row all ready to go. Hortensia was a bit worried that if either Hector or Archibold sat down or even worse, tipped over, that they might never be able to get up again, but thought better of saying anything. They really were quite a sight, what with their flashing smiles, stripy socks and boots really being all that could be easily seen amongst all their belongings festooned around them.
Eleanora stood side by side with Hortensia, who of course had Baby Harriet in her arms, as all the Gnomes of the Forest gathered either side of the path in a long line to wave good bye. There was much hugging and waving, passing out of mint humbugs, and then suddenly they were on their way. Archibold looked back at Hortensia, winked and bowed low with his hand on his heart, 'Not long my Darling and I will be back'. Hortensia and Harriet waved back as Hortensia, who had been saying a little prayer to the Great Benevolence to look after them on their adventure, touched her heart and gave a little bow back.
Eleanora and Hortensia watched the little procession and just as they were just about to pass out of view, began to sing. They sang of gentle blessings and adventure, of kindness and of the magic of being in between and in the right place all at once. Most of all they sang of their love for their friends and family, and how they wished them a safe trip and happy times until they came home.
Soon all of the other gnomes joined in - even the trees lifted their leaves and rustled and stirred the air - so as the little band of adventurers started out on the green path through the golden field of wheat, the air all around them was full of harmony.
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