Hortensia was resting in her rocking chair, things had been rather hectic of late, what with the unexpected return of Hector from his planting expedition, and of course the all important New Year Celebrations. Hortensia stretched out her feet and rested them on the round footstool in front of her. She prided herself on her dainty feet, gnomes aren't always known for their dainty feet and so Hortensia took great care in looking after hers.
She had worn her best red slippers for the dancing, but even so her feet were very sore this morning, her right foot in particular was throbbing horribly. Archimedes had been mortified when he had accidentally stepped on her foot when engaged in a tricky double looping reel, but Hortensia had carried on dancing assuring him that all was well. Today was a different story, her big toe was now throbbing persistently." feels like a rabbit chewing a carrot - nothing for it, I shall have to ask Aunt Mildred for some foot ointment." Now as we all know, gnomes revere Aunt Milded's foot ointment for its almost legendary healing ability, but no one would keep a jar in the house. Even safely encased in a pot or jar, the ointment had a habit of making a whole house smell of the eye watering strong ointment.
Hortensia needn't have worried, Aunt Mildred had observed Hortensia limping home the previous evening and at that very moment walked through the kitchen door. She was of course, wearing her High Days and Holidays Cloak of emerald green silk with a sky blue ruffle and hood and underneath, safely tucked in her basket, was a large pot of very smelly ointment, a packet of lavender tea and a six scones.
'Oh Aunt Mildred, you are so kind - always here when I need you! Warm scones too, what a treat!' Aunt Mildred had her reasons, she put the kettle on and sat down by Hortensia to have a good look at her foot. ' just as I thought My Dear, I think you have broken a bone, good thing I brought my bandages'. Hortensia felt a little weak at the thought, ' but I have so much to do, dear oh dear and little Harriet has taken to crawling everywhere!' Aunt Mildred snorted and were about making tea and spreading the scones with butter and strawberry jam, 'that was the reassuring thing about visiting another gnome' she thought, ' always jam in the cupboard!'
Aunt Mildred placed the plate of scones and a cup of tea by Hortensia, then she carefully lifted Hortensia's poor foot onto her lap and gently rubbed in a little of her ointment. ' nice cup of tea there, ready for when we finish' she reassured Hortensia. Hortensia wasn't feeling like tea or scones at all but she knew her foot would get better if she let Aunt Mildred look after it.
Soon Hortensia's foot was back on the footstool carefully bandaged and reeking of ointment. She found herself feeling a little faint so was grateful for the cup of tea and the comfort of a warm scone with strawberry jam. ' I'll speak to Archibold, rest is what you need, foot up as often as possible! Humperdinck will be round with some supper for you all later and I will pop in before nightfall to check on your progress.' Hortensia sighed, she was very grateful but she had so much planned that the idea of rest was a bit of a shock, ' thank you Aunt Mildred........' That was all she could say before she found herself drifting off into a gentle snooze. ''Poor girl, needs to watch it with that foot.' And with that Aunt Mildred rushed off to catch Archibold and Harriet before they returned home from their early morning forage.
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