Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sparkle and splash!

'Chirupy, chirupy' said Stephanotis, he felt so much restored after his nap, that he had burst out giggling at the sight of Archibold snoring in his hammock. 'What a day for a daydream!' he thought. Gnomes put much store by daydreaming, it seems to them that some of the most delicate and delightful of ideas  - can arrive only if one is daydreaming - in fact you could say that gnomes adore and have great regard for daydreaming as an essential ingredient of a happy life.

Since the kettle was boiling, he set to making a pot of tea and putting some nettle tops on in his frying pan -  to gently wilt with a little butter and wild garlic. As the tea brewed to a suitable and restorative strength, he sat on the shore of their little beach, contemplating the sparkling sunlight on the water and splashing his feet in the still chilly river. Archibold of course, woke up with a start at the sound and smell of butter sizzling and forgetting where he was, fell out of his hammock. 'Bother bosh and trollops' he swore ' banged me elbow on a rock'. This of course set Stephanotis off into more giggling ' You look so grumpy Archibold,' he said ' sort of frightening without your hat and your beard all sideways, come cool your feet and you'll soon be back to normal!'

So the two friends sat together, humming a little tune, splashing their feet and thinking how very lucky they were to enjoy such a marvelous Spring morning together.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Gentle breezes.....

Archibold was taken aback when he saw poor exhausted Stephanotis lying asleep under the dandelion. 'I have overdone things again ' he thought ' I forget how young he is and what I felt like when I was his age - too taken up with my own excitement to notice how frightened he must have been by the fierce current'.

So Archibold set to making camp. First he made a small circle of stones on the sandy bank for the fire and soon had a crackling blaze going, next he set up the little kettle full of water for tea on a tripod over the flames. 'Best put up the tent and hammocks then we'll be all ship shape and can go explore.' Though for all of his courage and enthusiasm, Archibold wasn't particularliy good at the practicalities of erecting a tent on his own, 'perhaps breakfast first' he thought, 'then we can easily straighten things out'.

The alluring sight of his hammock gently swaying in a soft breeze became too much for him to resist, and Arichbold found himself climbing into his hammock and daydreaming his way into a deep slumber. Soon the little camp reverberated to the happy sounds of a duet of snoring gnomes.

Friday, 27 May 2011

A shady dandelion.........

Much to Stephanotis's relief the current slowed and they found themselves bobbing through shallow rocks and could see the gravel bottom of the river. 'Row Stephanotis, row, we can stop here if we can just ease over to the bank and grab a branch'. They both pulled hard at their oars and sure enough they were soon nestled into a bush and utterly hidden from view.

Archibold leapt up the bank to scout out a suitable campsite and Stephanotis started gathering twigs for a fire. He was still feeling slightly sick but this wasn't stopping him thinking longingly about his breakfast. By the time Archibold made it back to the boat, Stephanotis was having a little recovery snooze, and was gently snoring as he lay with a handkerchief across his face and a half eaten biscuit in his hand, nestled into the shady leaves of a dandelion.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

What to do....?

'What to do?' said Stephanotis querulously 'I knew we should have had breakfast first, things never work out if one misses breakfast'. They were being swept along in a very fast current and as hard as they rowed they couldn't even keep up with the pace of the river. The truth was the Stephanotis only really liked adventures in small doses, whereas Archibold adored a good old fashioned out of control and by the seat of his pants challenge. 'We'll be just tickety boo shortly Stephanotis, just around the bend is an inlet where we can beach the boat'. This was wishful thinking because as they rounded the curve they shot by the beach far to fast to even really notice it.

Stephanotis had his eyes shut and given up rowing (gnomes don't really like wasting energy) and was wiggling his toes to try and calm himself down. Archibold was standing at the prow of the boat, blue eyes glinting with glee and a rope in either hand just in case he caught sight of anything they could throw a  mooring rope onto. "All will be well, just you see - were just on our way to somewhere special that we would never have found otherwise.' Stephanotis groaned as he was beginning to feel very sick.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Long Grass.......

Stephanotis and Archibold were setting out on a mission. They had set off in the early dawn with their rucksacks full of useful items and were making excellent progress through the long grass and down to the river bank. Unlike Hortensia, who loved the long grass as she thought that the dew made her skin beautiful and her hair extra glossy, Archibold wished that there was another way through without having to get so wet. He always marveled at how wet he became walking though wet grass.

They were heading for their little boat which they had carefully hidden the previous day under an old willow tree. The boat was covered by a plastic bag so as not to attract attention from humans - and of course to keep it dry. Stephanotis's tummy was rumbling and he was beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be a moment to mention breakfast. 'Off we go then' said Archibold 'if we reach the island soon we can set up camp and have a lovely fire going for our tea and then consider our plans over breakfast'. Archibold knew that Hortensia had taken pity on Stephanotis and packed a few pancakes in his rucksack so that breakfast would be a proper treat.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Gnomes and rabbits.......

Archibold was doing his best to understand what Aunt Mildred was proposing. He had never heard of a rodeo, let alone a rodeo with rabbits. Hortensia had explained how her Aunt had seen a television programme through the patio doors whilst watching over her favourite old lady human. Apparently humans have festivals where they win prizes if someone stays on the back of a cow as it jumps around a ring. Much as Archibold appreciated Aunt Mildred's grasp of current affairs, he couldn't quite see her plan working out realistically - let alone safely - with gnomes and rabbits.

'So very risky' he proclaimed to Hortensia 'and how do we persuade the rabbits to agree?' Hortensia had to confess that her Aunt had already agreed a fee of carrots and camomile (she knew that the camomile was a sneaky way of relaxing the rabbits so that they wouldn't get too excited), she was thinking adding in parsley as an extra treat. 'We can make harnesses from my softest wool so that the rabbits don't feel constricted and then we can all hang on safely and it will be so much more fun!' For you see Hortensia was caught up in Aunt Mildred's enthusiasm and was almost wild with excitement. Archibold could see that resistance was futile and he would have to go along with their plans. Personally he was planning on concentrating his energies on winning the biggest and smelliest truffle competition.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Kindness and soup.....

'So delightful of you to have made shortbread Hortensia, thank you.' Aunt Mildred was very fond of Hortensia, she sometimes looked so like her mother that it made Aunt Mildred's heart sing to see her. Hortensia's mother (Aunt Mildred's sister) had died when she was very young, and Hortensia had been taken under the wing of Aunt Mildred and her husband Engelbert and been especially cherished - both for the sadness that had befallen her and for her very sweet nature. For you see, Hortensia was that rare mixture of great intelligence and kindness in equal measure.

They had covered sheets of paper with diagrams and and made so many lists for the different competitions that Hortensia felt utterly overwhelmed. They both felt that this was going to be the very best Midsummer Revels that had ever been.

Just as they were beginning to feel exhausted and began to repeat themselves, Arichbold saved the day and arrived home for his lunch! 'Thank goodness for that' thought Hortensia 'we can all have a sit down and have a rest in the garden'. She had prepared a tasty mushroom soup which she served up with a loaf of her special seedy bread and some soft cheese. Once she had finished her lunch, Aunt Mildred of course fell asleep for a little snooze, and Hortensia quickly filled Archibold's head with all the gossip of the day!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

carrots and camomile......

'Just think of it My Dear, such little construction required and so much fun!' Aunt Mildred had forgotten all about her good intentions to be moderate in her approach and was waxing lyrical about her remarkable plan. "The rabbits like the idea very much, I did promise them fresh camomile and possibly some young carrots but they were keen on joining in before I mentioned any reward.' Hortensia sighed, it was a done deal, all gnomes know if you promise a gift to someone - the promise has to be honored - besides if the rabbits were keen, word of the event would be being discussed far and wide.

'Just a circular arena My Dear, we could use ivy cordons for the boundaries and fencing, and we need a paddock for the bunnies with long grass, a judging stand and of course lots of moss seating around the edge.' Aunt Mildred planned on being a judge for most of the events, she would wear different hats for the competitions (her favourite was a limpid green mohair which she wore to judge The Prettiest Posy competition) and was known to be fiercely fair in her adjudication.

Hortensia knew too that Archibold would be relieved, last year's helter skelter ride around the oak tree had been a bit much for him and sadly, he hadn't been his usual self at the Midsummer Revel's Dance because of severe foot ache.

'Lets have a bit of cake and then start organising!" Aunt Mildred had calmed down a bit now Hortensia had agreed to her plan, 'and such tasty shortbread too'.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Nothing like a cloak......

'First things first' thought Hortensia as she boiled the kettle and uncovered her shortbread and the little cheese and watercress sandwiches, she had know that Aunt Mildred would bring a cake with her and indeed she had - a lovely moist poppy seed delight. She made fresh mint tea for her aunt and a pot of rose petal for herself 'just to steady my nerves' she thought.

Aunt Mildred had arrived in her peacock blue velvet cloak, because she was a Venerable Gnome - and she remembered a long way ago - to her mind a cloak was an essential item of clothing, 'nothing like a cloak to keep one's basket and self, dry and toasty underneath'. She knew that some of the younger gnomes thought her old fashioned, but had been alive so long that she knew most fashions would come around again soon enough. She wore her peacock blue cloak on celebratory and joyous occasions (and of course dry days) - just like today!

Friday, 20 May 2011

A little rest......

Aunt Mildred loved taking an early morning walk, especially as today as it would give her time to think and muse about her big idea. She was taking a little rest (it was quite a long way to Persimmon Heights and up hill) and though she wasn't very old in gnome terms - she was still grateful for a sit down and a suck on her pipe. Gnomes live much longer than humans, though it is hard to know exactly how long they can live, as they have a much more flexible and playful sense of time - some years are long years and some short. Aunt Mildred thought about her life now as the deeper years, full of a subtle and more complex music - requiring of course more sit downs and lovely daydreams.

She was listening to the breeze moving in the leaves, to the birds singing, to all kinds of rustlings - all interwoven with a sense of peace - 'I must be careful today not to become too excited ' she thought 'The Midsummer Revels happen every year - the main thing is to enjoy the planning of this year's events'.

For you see Aunt Mildred knew that she had become a bit of a Force To Be Reckoned With when she was excited. As the years had passed, she had realised that her ideas often required large amounts of effort from the other gnomes on the committee. She realised too that she had to think carefully about her ideas  - to make sure that they were possible and fun to do - without the other gnomes becoming too worn out to be able to frolic on the day!

'I shall start the meeting by remembering how well we did last year'  she thought 'that way I will be calm when I suggest the Bunny Rodeo for this year's main event'. Aunt Mildred was completely convinced that her latest idea would be a riotous success. If pressed, she would have to admit that she had got the idea from watching a TV programme through a patio window, but the bunnies were up for it and she kept laughing at the thought of gnomes trying to stay on the backs of hopping rabbits 'Best idea I have had for years she thought - much better than last year's helter skelter ride!'

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Shall we dance....

Lupin and Horatio were longing for The Midsummer Revels - to be home with their friends and family - to be free gnomes out and about on their own business and most of all to able to dance and play whenever they wanted. Working at the Garden Centre was all very well and an essential part of a modern gnomes work experience, but it was very hard on the feet and more than a little dampening of their spirits. Their Mother (Hortensia) sent frequent packages with new socks and treats and though they were exceedingly grateful for the socks, the treats made them feel rather homesick.

Horatio had had a brilliant idea to cheer them up and he and Lupin had spent a good part of the warm Spring evenings (once the Garden Centre was closed) practicing their jigs and reels so that they would be  on tip top form for the Midsummer Dance. It had meant going through more pairs of socks but was worth it as they both felt restored in body and spirit.

Lupin had taken a bit of a fancy to the human's motorbikes that he had seen in the car park and was very taken with the idea of making one out of all the bits of scrap - old tins etc - that he had stashed away at home, he knew he needed Horatio's help but Horatio was feeling gloomy at the very idea of a replica of a noisy human type machine and had refused to get excited or even offer to help. Things were a little frosty between the brothers for an hour or two but after another evening practicing a wild jig, they found themselves restored to their usual good humour.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

On the hunt.........

Stephanotis had been on the hunt for a good plastic bag for several months. Humans were always leaving things lying about - mostly when they didn't want them anymore. In fact a lot of  Stephanotis's daily meanders could be taken up with beautifying and disguising human's left overs. Only last week he had spent days encouraging brambles to grow over an old refrigerator that a human had left by the side of the road. He felt rather pleased with his handiwork and rather chirpy about how covered over it would be within a few months - 'at least no-one will be damaged by it now' he thought, but it was on his list of things to watch over as all gnomes know to be worried about machines as they decay. 'Thank Goodness for brambles' he thought 'perhaps a wild rose would be good as well and then we can look forward to lovely rose hips for the winter'. As you know Stephanotis has a bit of a sweet tooth and rose hip syrup was one of his favourites.

'Now what we want is a quite firm and smooth bag with long handles for the poles' he thought 'nothing too flimsy'. You see Stephanotis was on hunt for a bag that could be made into the marquee or prize giving pavilion for The Mid Summer Revels. This was a special mission that he had been charged with for the last few years, and he wanted to go one better than the red and white stripe bag he had found the previous year and find something striking that would cause a sensation. Stephanotis knew that having the right height for the marquee was of supreme importance, but he also wanted something that gave a special atmosphere to the day. Archibold would help him with the making of it and Horatio and Lupin would be back from work experience at the garden centre, so with all their skills so he was confident of making an exceptional centre piece for the day.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

What a difference a hat can make......

Aunt Mildred was dressed for the occasion - planning the midsummer revels was a challenge to be met with vigor and enthusiasm, so of course she had put on her highest hat. Gnomes don't always wear hats, but most prefer to keep their heads snug and warm at all times. Aunt Mildred was wearing one of her favourites - a pink and red stripe one with a soft folding point, it had originally been a baby sock that Archibold had found years before, and because she was so fond of Archibold, Aunt Mildred had adapted it and now wore it for all Momentous Decision Days. Arichibold had been a young gnome of distinction because of his dashing ability to acquire useful objects (Hortensia thought it was also because he was so handsome with his midsummer sky blue eyes), Aunt Mildred had sent him on many a mission when he was young and he had always proved valiant and true.

Hortensia was making a list of all the usual events for the big day; The Best Wild Strawberry, The Biggest Toadstool Jump, The Fresh Garlic Omelette Stand, The wild Berry Jam Donut Stand, The Strongest Gnome Challenge, The Freshest Blooms and Prettiest Posy Competition, The Song of Spring and Prize Giving, all the usual clothing and fishing stalls - well, the list seemed endless - 'perhaps we don't need any other events' Hortensia thought more than a bit optimistically.

Everything was ready for Aunt Mildred, so Hortensia put on her clean blue apron with red hearts around the hem and sat in her rocking chair with baby Harriet and they both had a little snooze.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Aunt Mildred and The Plan......

Hortensia was feeling a bit nervous, Aunt Mildred was coming over for tea and a chat about the Midsummer Revels. Aunt Mildred was very wise and of course extremely resourceful, there is no way that she would have ever become a member of the Council of Elders unless she was a Revered Gnome. That being said, she was a rather strong and somewhat eccentric character (when a gnome calls another gnome eccentric, you know that they are exceptionally unique in their approach to life) and much as Hortensia adored her, she was a little nervous about what her plans might be for this year's celebration.

Aunt Mildred made the best crystalised mint leaves and mint humbugs and was a renowned healer - her herbal tonics and tinctures had helped many a gnome through a difficult time, but what she really loved was sucking on the end of her pipe. When excited she had been known to forget the pipe wasn't a humbug and and chew the end off. 'the worry is' thought Hortensia 'what exactly will she be excited about planning this year?'

Hortensia made space on the kitchen table and laid out last year's plans and several sheets of clean paper, she wanted to be prepared and to put everything into writing so that she could discuss Aunt Mildred's ideas with Archibold later. 'Tea' she thought, 'it will have to be mint of course, but perhaps a plate of shortbread might help inspire us, or maybe a few slices of cheese with fresh watercress....' so soon Hortensia was happily singing to baby Harriet and making her delicious shortbread biscuits,' I'll put some in Archibold's jacket pocket, then he can have a surprise too'. she loved tucking little surprises into Archibold's jacket though sadly, unbenownst to her, he often found them too late and had already sat on them before he could eat them.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Lovely snoring.......

'Difficult to say what makes a home a home' thought Hortensia, she had rushed back to Persimmon Heights  to check on baby Harriet and Archibold and found them both happily asleep. As long as Archibold was snoring, little Harriet slept too, she seemed to feel safe as long as she could hear the rumble and snuffles as he settled into his soft pillows. Archibold loved sleeping, climbing into a comfy bed with lovely warm fluffy covers was a delight that he had never stopped relishing, he loved to stroke his beard and tucking the end into his pyjamas (in case of snagging on buttons) - ease into his usual blissful slumbers.

The moment Hortensia walked through her kitchen door, she felt such joy and peace - here was her haven, her place of heart ease - her home. 'Breakfast' she thought 'what do I fancy today - perhaps a little scrambled egg with sautéed mushrooms in wild garlic, that would wake Archibold and Harriet up', and with that she set to rustling up a tasty breakfast - happy in her home!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Isabel The Gentle......

Hortensia wasn't surprised that Isabel had appeared next to her - Isabel, though a bit dreamy, was renowned for her ability to move in silence. All gnomes are masters of merging and flow- they have to be for humans not to detect them as they go out and about on their business - some volunteer for formal duties and indeed appear to be frozen or solid - but all gnomes can play with being - without being seen.

Isabel looked a bit like Hortensia (they were after all related, Isabel was her niece) they both had chestnut colored hair and the palest of complexions. Hortensia thought that this was because of their Hungarian ancestry - she also thought that her slightly (though Archibold thought more than slightly) impetuous nature was also due to those long ago Hungarian relatives.

What Isabel had that was so downright beautiful was big violet eyes. 'We must walk back through the bluebells' thought Hortensia, 'that way Isabel's eyes will shine out even more'. As you know violets are highly treasured by gnomes and to have violet eyes was a gift indeed. Isabel was also exceptionally kind and gentle and had a voice of purity and beauty. She often sang at gnome celebrations and just now she was preparing for the midsummer revels by absorbing as much inspiration as possible. Old Aunt Mildred had fainted last year at the sheer excitement and beauty of her song and she wanted to repeat her success this year.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Time is of the essence....

'Good morning' thought Hortensia, 'such a good morning indeed!' The birds had been singing really rather loudly for quite a while and she no longer felt like sleeping. She felt a strong pull to wander under the oak trees and marvel at  the new green leaves as the early sunlight started to shimmer through. 'Such a treat' she thought and with that she slid out of bed (carefully making sure Archibold was still warmly tucked under the covers) and ran to put her shoes on.

Sitting under her favorite tree, she felt all the peace and friendliness of the earth beneath her. Looking out she wondered how humans could miss the gift of a Spring morning, 'they seem in such a hurry in the mornings, always living by their clocks instead of nature time'. Archibold had brought a big clock home many years before, it lived in the hallway hanging on the wall, very impressive too with it's long chain and shiny face. They never wound it up as the ticking had been so loud that they couldn't hear their music at all. Hortensia found the glass rather useful as a reflective mirror - just to check she was clean and tidy before letting in important visitors (only important visitors used the front door, everyone else just went straight in the kitchen door).

'Stillness' she thought, 'what a way to start the day', she had been dozing or daydreaming a bit, feeling the great music of peace, when she had opened her eyes and been overjoyed to see that Isabel - one of her favourite friends and a most beautiful young gnome - had joined her under the tree.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Rain - ah the sweet smell of Spring rain......

Hortensia had been known to stand in the rain with her arms outstretched, her face turned up to welcome the rain drops and then dance in circles of delight - with bare feet of course. Gnomes relish and adore Spring rain, the smells of wet blossom, the quiver of mud under their feet - the incredible nurturing benefit of it all - well, it was almost too much sometimes and a General Official Frolic Day would have to be declared.

Today wasn't a Frolic Day but even so Hortensia felt that play was high on her list of adventures for the day. 'Think of the planting' she muttered to her self, she had been beginning to separate and plant on little wild strawberry plants, and the wet conditions were just right for encouraging new growth. Of course, later on in the year, she would make her renowned wild strawberry jam - oh what a delight that would be, Archibold would be curling his toes in anticipation of fresh scones with wild strawberry jam for tea.....

Friday, 6 May 2011


Stephanotis had popped around for a cup of tea before setting off with Archibold on a fishing trip. Now when a gnome says he is popping in for a cup of tea first thing in the morning, what he means is, a hearty breakfast. Hortensia was famous for her fluffy buttermilk pancakes and she noted with great satisfaction that Stephanotis ate sixteen pancakes with his mint tea only slightly sweetened with honey from Hortensia's precious supply, burped once and said that he had better have one more in case the morning turned damp.

Now Hortensia didn't like fish very much, this was partially because her Father, Ruggerous O'Fly had been a fishing gnome and become rather cantankerous with his arthritics brought on by sitting by a damp pond too much, but she was happy that Archibold (or Archie the Bold) and Stephanotis were going on an adventure together. Gnomes love adventure, in fact without adventure a gnome is a forlorn creature, so Hortensia hoped that their fishing trip would be just the outing to keep their spirits high. She herself had once sat on a fish by mistake when bathing as a young gnomette and had never quite recovered from the shock.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Feet - ah feet........

For a gnome, feet are really an extra sense or intelligence all of their own - a gnome can't tell you how their feet can know things - they just do. Hortensia spent a lot of time blending herbs and oils in her pestle and mortar to ease foot ache for her and her family. The problem was how to have super soft and sensitive feet that could pick up the tremor of a mouse's foot step from a long way off - and yet be able to stand still on them for hours at a time in all kinds of conditions and weather.

Of course shoes and boots were of great importance too, but with the added challenge of the curved toe tendency, Hortensia felt that massage and gentle nurture was the key to a gnome's foot health and equilibrium. She was an expert in knitting socks with an extra padded section to cushion a big toe and her socks were much in demand. Often as she opened the door of a morning, she would find a donation of the softest, carefully collected sheep's wool, rolled into a bundle and left as a thank you gift from a grateful gnome friend.

Hortensia herself was a little proud of her feet, for a gnome they were quite small and delicate. She liked the sight of her toes peeping out in their little scarlet slippers from under her skirt, and though she was not overly vain, she was proud that her feet as yet had showed no sign of developing any curved toes.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

violets for love......

Hortensia had been planting violets all day and was a little weary. She had always loved violets since Archibold had first presented her with a bunch of white violets as his courting gift. Planting violets was a particular honor and she took to her responsibilities with a joyous heart.

She knew that a lot of humans loved violets as much as she did, she often laughed with delight when she heard them exclaim in surprise at the sight of the delicate blooms. Hortensia wondered if they knew how much work gnomes put in planting them where humans could 'discover' them on their walks. She doubted that they had any idea of the planning that gnomes went to to provide an irresistible wander for humans to be inspired in. She wished, even though it was a long way down for them, that more of them would stoop down a sniff the delicate perfume that could ease a heart of grief and soothe away troublesome thoughts.

Hortensia had once long ago had eavesdropped on a young human couple listening to the most beautiful music on their radio as they had lain on their picnic blanket. After the music had finished, she had listened in amazement as she heard that violets had been the composers favourite flower - Chopin had been his name, and Hortensia had been a fan ever since. Over time (and with some clever detective work and careful spying on the home of a nearby human) she had learned to sing and play on her zither all manner of Chopin waltzes and preludes. She was particularly partial to waltzes, as being more than a little old fashioned, Archibold and her could dance a very neat waltz  - especially if she hummed a tune as they went around in their garden. Archibold loved waltzing but could get a bit wild on the turns, so Hortensia was often lifted into the air as they spun around in ever happier circles.

In any event, planting violets had become one of her special jobs and Hortensia was very grateful to be given such a heart warming task to do. She had worn her periwinkle blue apron and sung the whole day through (apart from when eating her cheese roll for lunch).

Later, she thought, when I have had a little foot soak in Aunt Mildred's Foot Ease, I shall write to Lupin and Horatio. She missed her sons now that they were away on work experience at the local garden centre.