Tuesday, 17 May 2011

What a difference a hat can make......

Aunt Mildred was dressed for the occasion - planning the midsummer revels was a challenge to be met with vigor and enthusiasm, so of course she had put on her highest hat. Gnomes don't always wear hats, but most prefer to keep their heads snug and warm at all times. Aunt Mildred was wearing one of her favourites - a pink and red stripe one with a soft folding point, it had originally been a baby sock that Archibold had found years before, and because she was so fond of Archibold, Aunt Mildred had adapted it and now wore it for all Momentous Decision Days. Arichibold had been a young gnome of distinction because of his dashing ability to acquire useful objects (Hortensia thought it was also because he was so handsome with his midsummer sky blue eyes), Aunt Mildred had sent him on many a mission when he was young and he had always proved valiant and true.

Hortensia was making a list of all the usual events for the big day; The Best Wild Strawberry, The Biggest Toadstool Jump, The Fresh Garlic Omelette Stand, The wild Berry Jam Donut Stand, The Strongest Gnome Challenge, The Freshest Blooms and Prettiest Posy Competition, The Song of Spring and Prize Giving, all the usual clothing and fishing stalls - well, the list seemed endless - 'perhaps we don't need any other events' Hortensia thought more than a bit optimistically.

Everything was ready for Aunt Mildred, so Hortensia put on her clean blue apron with red hearts around the hem and sat in her rocking chair with baby Harriet and they both had a little snooze.

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