Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sparkle and splash!

'Chirupy, chirupy' said Stephanotis, he felt so much restored after his nap, that he had burst out giggling at the sight of Archibold snoring in his hammock. 'What a day for a daydream!' he thought. Gnomes put much store by daydreaming, it seems to them that some of the most delicate and delightful of ideas  - can arrive only if one is daydreaming - in fact you could say that gnomes adore and have great regard for daydreaming as an essential ingredient of a happy life.

Since the kettle was boiling, he set to making a pot of tea and putting some nettle tops on in his frying pan -  to gently wilt with a little butter and wild garlic. As the tea brewed to a suitable and restorative strength, he sat on the shore of their little beach, contemplating the sparkling sunlight on the water and splashing his feet in the still chilly river. Archibold of course, woke up with a start at the sound and smell of butter sizzling and forgetting where he was, fell out of his hammock. 'Bother bosh and trollops' he swore ' banged me elbow on a rock'. This of course set Stephanotis off into more giggling ' You look so grumpy Archibold,' he said ' sort of frightening without your hat and your beard all sideways, come cool your feet and you'll soon be back to normal!'

So the two friends sat together, humming a little tune, splashing their feet and thinking how very lucky they were to enjoy such a marvelous Spring morning together.

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