Sunday, 23 September 2012

Rogue planting and a change of home......

Stephanotis was digging with all his might, trying desperately to finish planting before human activity began. The gnomes were spread out along the side of the railway line at strategic vantage points. They were extremely busy planting shrubs and seedlings, so as to give the humans something uplifting to look at, as they passed by in their trains going to work.

As ever Stephanotis and Archibold were planting Buddleia saplings. Archibold was deeply passionate about  any plant that encouraged butterflies and that had purple flowers. He had such a habit of saying 'Nothing like a Buddleia - can always be relied on for a good show' so frequently, that as soon as he started to say it, the other gnomes finished the sentence for him!

Soon they stopped and gathered together to watch the first of the trains pass by. 'Bit early still' said Hector 'most of this lot will be sleeping on the train'. He didn't want the others to be disappointed if non of the humans seemed to notice their handiwork. He needn't have worried, The Forest Gnomes were mesmerised at the huge noisy trains as they went by, 'very big and noisy, but what a machine!' Archibold was instantly inspired by the idea of long distance escapades. 'We could go to the sea, I mean, we could go anywhere - what fun it would be to go so fast!' All his life, Archibold had wanted to go to the sea side, mostly when he went on escapades he had to go North to see family. Now his imagination was buzzing with possibilities.

'Not just noisy, said Isabel 'but very dirty too'. Hector had raised his eyebrows at Archibold's enthusiasm at the sight of the trains and now tried to rally the others to the job at hand. 'That's it for the day then. Now - time for breakfast!' And with that, the rather hungry gnomes rushed to where they had left their extra tools and other useful items, and of course, provisions for breakfast. Soon they were under the old railway arch, of course sensibly hidden from view by some large bushes.

They all sat around a little fire with the kettle nearly at the boil, eggs frying in a frying pan with some already softened mushrooms on the side. Archibold and Stephanotis were carefully twirling long sticks, as they made toast and Isabel and Isolde spread out the tablecloths on an old stump. Hector came back looking triumphant with some dandelion leaves to add to the mushrooms. Well, what a feast, nothing tastes as good as a picnic outside when you have been hard at work since before dawn. Needless to say, after breakfast, silence descended as they all settled down for a restorative nap (silence that is, except for the occasional snore).

When they woke up, Hector brought up a subject that had been bothering him since they had arrived in the city. 'I know that is good to all stick together, but it is rather cramped on the balcony and we are having to nip about a bit to keep out of the way. What I propose is that you move to the local park, there is a splendid old oak that provides magnificent shelter. Many is the night I have sheltered and listened to the roar of leaves as the wind blew.' He made it sound so wild and appealing that the gnomes overcame their initial disappointment not to be on Jeremy's balcony, and agreed to try making their temporary home from home, in the park.

'So much less likely to be seen, and think of the bird song in the morning', Hector smiled at Isolde, for a young gnome she was showing signs of great character and positivity.


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