Thursday, 4 October 2012

Setting up camp and preparing for the storm......

'Well, well, well, not quite what we expected, but comfy all the same'. Archibold was investigating the possibilities for setting up camp in the branches of the old oak tree. 'Stephanotis and I will take charge of tying up the hammocks - mind you, I can definitely feel rain is on it's way - so, best to be prepared, who's up for organising the canopy?' Isabel jumped up and down with excitement, swinging around in the leaves fixing a tarpaulin (a suitable plastic bag that the gnomes had found abandoned nearby) was her idea of a dream job! 'Come on Hector and Isolde - lets go!'

Soon the gnomes had the perfect camp set up. A lovely, pink and white striped  - and soundly waterproof roof - was securely tied to the branches and overhung their neatly tied on hammocks. Provisions were hanging up inside their rucksacks and blankets were airing on some nearby branches. Archibold wondered if some of the humans realised that the unsightly plastic bag, stuck high up in the tree hid a gnome camp, but decided it was best not to think about it.

Hector was holding his head up and sniffing the air, 'don't know about rain - feels like a storm and windy at that, may have to abandon hammocks if it really blows, up here we will be in for a real roarer!'
The other gnomes glanced at the turning leaves and had to agree. Soon they were dashing about lashing down their belongings and putting on their waterproof capes and hats. 'Oh what fun, we can sing all night'. Isabel was grinning from ear to ear at the prospect, for as all gnomes know - singing, whilst sitting out a storm high up in a mighty tree, was one of the great joys of being a gnome.'

'Best have something to eat before it arrives', Hector was passing out large chunks of cheese with Hortensia's best oak cakes and extra large slices of honey cake. Isabel handed everyone a crab apple for later and emergency supplies of mint humbugs. However cold a gnome could get (which was sometimes very, very cold indeed) a mint humbug could be relied upon to cheer up even the most morose of gnomes and to bring a wiggle back into frozen toes.

'I'm off for a short kip whilst I can, might be an idea for some of you to have a snooze too'. Though Hector was being his usual bossy self, the others knew he was right. Soon, as the branches began to gently sway and a tapping of rain drops began to sweeten the air, the gnomes snuggled down for a pre-storm nap.